
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Cranioscral Therapy

Duties and Responsibilities: A system of alternative medicine intended to relieve pain and tension by gentle manipulations of the skull regarded as harmonizing with a natural rhythm in the central nervous system. CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance.

Salary: $61,000 a year

Education: To become a CranioSacral therapist you need to pass all the requirments and complete a diploma essay of an oral exam.


I would not look to be one because I would not like to learn all these exams and I would not like to put my hands on another person’s face.

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

             “Be cool in school-live every rule.”

                                    Mr. Haymore


I think this quote means that being cool in school doesn’t mean you have to do bad things. If you follow the rules you can still be cool.


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

      Student Success Student      

                 “The best recreation is to do good.”

                                   William Penn


            To me this quote means that if you’re going to do something do it good enough that it will make you feel good inside.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Student Success Statement

      Student Success Statement

“Right is Right even if everyone is against it. Wrong is Wrong even if everyone is for it.” By William Penn

To me this quote tells me that if you know something is right and everyone denies you don’t let them change your mind. When people are wrong don’t agree with them or follow to what they’re doing if you know there wrong.

Yoga Therapist

                        Yoga Therapist

Duties and Responsibilities: Some duties and responsibilities for Yoga Therapist are to monitor fitness level and requirements of all participants and design classes that fit best for individual needs. Also, they should help the students be aware of the usefulness of Yoga and help them achieve greater physical as well as mental well-being through yoga. Yoga Therapist helps people in a series of exercises and breathing applications that improve a person's posture, flexibility, and strength.

Salary: Yoga therapists may make from $36,900 to an average wage of $66,530.

Education: The basic education to be a Yoga Therapist is anatomy, basic physiology, and modern healthcare terminology. Also, philosophy of yoga, perspectives of yoga and the mind and yoga practices.

I would not like to be a Yoga Therapist because I would not like to learn the basic educations to be a Yoga Therapist.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Student Success Statement

     Student Success Statement

“Don’t sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want and see it often.”

Peter Vidmar

To me this quote by Peter Vidmar means that sacrificing one big thing in life for one little thing is not worth it and if you set your mind to that big thing and focus on it you will achieve it in a matter of time.

Clinical Manager

              Clinical Manager

Duties and Responsibilities: Clinical managers are managers for health and medical services. Clinical managers often work for doctors' offices, clinics, long-term care facilities, and outpatient facilities. Typical duties of a clinical manager include managing clinical, professional, administrative, and clerical staff, managing the recruitment, development of, and appraisal of staff, developing and implementing policies and directives; setting and monitoring budgets; attending meetings, handling communications, and making purchasing decisions.

Salary: $88,580 a year

Education: You will need a bachelor’s degree in the field of medical services or health care administration.

I would like to be a clinical manager because they make a good salary for the work they do.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Chromo Therapist or Color Therapy

Chromo therapy or Color Therapy

Duties and Responsibilities: Chromo therapists believe to be able to use light in the form of color to balance energy lacking from a person's body, whether it be on physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental levels. It is also   an alternative medicine method, which is considered pseudoscience. Avicenna first thought of seeing color as of vital importance both in diagnosis and in treatment.

Salary: Chromo therapist make an annual of $29,320.

Education: In addition to a high school diploma and relevant work experience, many employers prefer applicants who are certified pharmacy technicians. Chemotherapy technician certification is also available for certified pharmacy technicians through the National Pharmacy Technician association.

I would not like to be a Color Therapist because they do not make as much money as I would like to make.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Student Success Statement

       Student Success Statement

    A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.                                             

Proverbs 22:1

Reflection: In my words this quote is saying that there is plenty of money in the world but there’s only one name that makes you yourself.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Student Success Statement

    Student Success Statement

“You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get. No matter what you set your imagination to, anything can happen.”                                

Michael Phelps

To me this means that you cant stop cause of one thing you did that one thing you did should motivate you to do even more.

Chinese (Oriental) Medicine

         Chinese (Oriental) Medicine

Duties and Responsibilities: Oriental Medicine is a treatment using acupuncture through the Chinese concept of “qi”, which means energy.  They treat a variety of illnesses such as,  headaches, back pain, arthritis, or other illnesses by identifying patterns of imbalance within a body’s energy levels and working to readjust fluids or tissues in order to keep the body in balance and relieve pain. Acupuncture treatments involve the use of needles being placed in joints and tissues. Cupping involves using cups as a suction equipment to help release toxins from within the body.

Salary: $61,000 per year

Education: Most practitioners earn a Bachelor’s degree in biology or another medical related field, then go on to fill state requirements for practicing oriental medicine. Most states require students to work as an intern or apprentice for a specific number of hours in order to qualify for certification, and then have them take an examination to become certified through the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

I would not like to do this as my job because I would not like to learn how to do these things even though they get paid well.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


What Mark Victor Hansen said was that if you right your goal down and set your goal you will achieve your goals. He says not to cross them out to see what you have achieved or what you achieved in the past.

Student Success Statement

      Student Success Statement

“Goal setting is goal getting, Set and get.”

Mark Victor Hansen

To me this means if you set your goal you will succeed and achieve your goal.

Cellular Therapist

               Cellular Therapy

Duties and Responsibilities: Cellular Therapy is when doctors inject cells into your body. This usually means intact cells or living cells. Cell therapy originated in the nineteenth century when scientists experimented by injecting animal material in an attempt to prevent and treat illness. Although such attempts produced no positive benefit, further research found in the mid twentieth century that human cells could be used to help prevent the human body rejecting transplanted organs, leading in time to successful bone marrow transplantation.

Salary: An average of $31,000

Education: Gene therapists require a Ph.D. to conduct research. Those working directly with patients must also complete a Medical Doctor degree and become licensed through the state in which they practice.

I would not like to be a Cellular therapist because i would not like to study genes and inject people with them.